An Actual Grindr Conversation

When you see the top of my hat, I had sent 5 face pictures of me smiling, to try and encourage him to send one back. I have routinely encountered this kind of situation, or the reverse where there is a blank profile that says I am sinning and that I believe incorrectly. They will…

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Queenstown Week #2 PIP – People, Impressions, and Ponderings

This blog post attempts to record the people I met, the impressions I received, and the ponderings I made during my second week in Queenstown. I spent a lot of time at Homebase, in Starbucks, and in the public library. I also became more acquainted with two very diverse ways to experience Queenstown. All in…

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Recommendation #0 – My Story

I recently opened up a new part of the site called “My Recommendations.” It is a list of 36 media items (books, movies, podcasts, and playlists) that were recommended to me by friends and family as I prepared for my 9 month adventure down under. Recommendation #36 – People To Be Loved Earlier this week,…

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My Journal (and why I think EVERYONE should have a journal)

I didn’t keep journals as a child,  although I do have one from time spent in Washington, D.C. as a junior in high school. I recorded my time on plain, college-ruled paper in a 3-ring binder. I was part of a National Youth Forum on Medicine, a two-week summer program designed for high school students…

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