Melbourne – The final week

Day 108 (Friday Dec 7) – After an eventful day, I was on my way to Nocturnal! I grabbed a burger and fries for dinner and on the way there, I saw a trinity of babushka dolls in a park! Once inside, I went and explored the museum. The DJs had already started their first…

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Recommendation #7 is finished

Come read about one of my 36 recommendations that I’m experiencing while I’m “down under” in New Zealand and Australia! Recommendation #7 – Astonishing Legends

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Just Released! My Story Episode #8 – 3 Reasons

The longest My Story episode to date. Here are the various ways you can experience my story – on my website, on SoundCloud, or as an iTunes podcast! I’ve also included a link to visual images of My Lenten emails – the original emails I wrote during spring 2000. Click on any of the links…

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My Story – The Podcast Begins

My Podcast has begun! I’m very excited to share My Story with you. Below is a link to the newest section of my blog that will contain all 30 episodes of My Story. I also plan to release additional media content and a final written version of the podcast when it concludes on January 1,…

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