Parce Mihi Domine

Birth Derek Michael Shaw was born weighing 8lbs 14oz on August 30, 1980. The time was 8:23 pm, and the sun had set 30 minutes prior. Twilight was in the air. No wonder Derek Michael likes the quiet, contemplative, peaceful nature of the night. He’s known it since the day he was born…he even knew…

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Working with Reality

We are in the midst of a pandemic! It’s radically changed life across this planet for most people. And at the same time, from my viewpoint, people are struggling with the same thoughts and feelings that they always have. Fear of uncertainty, fear of death, boredom, a frustration at the lack of control they have…

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In what do I delight?

As I’ve begun to settle into my new life in Denver, CO, I’ve been trying to be deliberate about meeting people, experiencing new things, and going to places and events that are sometimes outside my comfort zone. I’m not sure if it is really working, as I would say the end goal would be to…

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