A Year of Journal Headers & Footers

365 Days summed up in 480 pages. As 2021 comes to a close, as well as my second journal of this year, I always enjoy looking back at what I created in my journal pages, for they seem to be a part of me, or at least a part of my learning and growth as…

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Journal #7 complete

I finished my 7th journal at the beginning of October. It spanned the time period from June to September 2019. Here is just a few of the things I accomplished in that time. June – September 2019 A job, health insurance, and a positive 90 day review A church that I attend – Denver Community…

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My Story Episode #26 – My Panic Attack

My Story Episode #26 is available. Find it on this blog, on iTunes, or on SoundCloud. If you are following along, please, please, please rate the iTunes podcast to help spread the word! My Story Episode #26 occurs in January 2018, where I put my home for sale (which then funded my current adventure in…

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My Story Episode #25 – Time for a Counselor

My Story Episode #25 is available. Find it on this blog, on iTunes, or on SoundCloud. If you are following along, please, please, please rate the iTunes podcast to help spread the word! My Story Episode #25 takes us into the current year. It features January 2018, the end of my 9-year relationship and my…

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My Story Episode #21 – Falling Out of Love

My Story Episode #21 is available. Find it on this blog, on iTunes, and on SoundCloud. If you are following along, please also rate the iTunes podcast to help spread the word! I’ve also uploaded a new page that contains all my journal entries from 2016. These have been the majority of the content for…

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My Story Episode #20 – The Biggest Mistake of my Life

My Story Episode #20 is available. Find it in all the usual places. If you are following along, please also rate the iTunes podcast to help spread the word! I’ve also uploaded a new page which will contain all my journal entries from 2016. They will be read aloud on the podcast, but several of…

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My Story Episode #19 – The 7-Year Itch

My Story Episode #19 is available. Find it in all the usual places. If you are following along, please also rate the iTunes podcast to help spread the word! I’ve also uploaded a new page which will contain all my journal entries from 2016. They will be read aloud on the podcast, but several of…

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Aoraki/Tekapo/Christchurch – 13 more days

Day 72 (Wednesday Oct 31) – Before I left Queenstown, I recorded a final good-bye. I was on the road by 2pm and took my first break around 3:30pm in the town of Cromwell. They are known for the fruit that grows in the area… As I got closer to Mt Cook village, the road…

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Ocean to Peak, Luge to High Heels – Days 55 to 61

From the depths of the Milford Sound to the tops of Ben Lomond mountain…from going down the Luge track in Queenstown 6 times to walking around GigCity in makeup, a dress and high heels…I had several amazing days of adventure during my third week being based in Queenstown. Day 55 (Sunday Oct 14) – Picking…

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Queenstown Week #2 PIP – People, Impressions, and Ponderings

This blog post attempts to record the people I met, the impressions I received, and the ponderings I made during my second week in Queenstown. I spent a lot of time at Homebase, in Starbucks, and in the public library. I also became more acquainted with two very diverse ways to experience Queenstown. All in…

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