Just Released! My Story Episode #8 – 3 Reasons

The longest My Story episode to date. Here are the various ways you can experience my story – on my website, on SoundCloud, or as an iTunes podcast! I’ve also included a link to visual images of My Lenten emails – the original emails I wrote during spring 2000. Click on any of the links…

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My obsession with rainbows

If you have spent any length of time reading my blog, you will easily notice my fascination with rainbows. Not only do I routinely encounter them in the natural world, I also discover them in man-made creations. And when you consider My Story, it makes sense why I am obsessed. I feel that I straddle…

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Queenstown Week #2 PIP – People, Impressions, and Ponderings

This blog post attempts to record the people I met, the impressions I received, and the ponderings I made during my second week in Queenstown. I spent a lot of time at Homebase, in Starbucks, and in the public library. I also became more acquainted with two very diverse ways to experience Queenstown. All in…

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My first week in Queenstown

Day 42 (Monday Oct 1) – The first day of October saw me pack up all my belongings into Tuatoru and leave Mosgiel, NZ, heading northwest to Queenstown, NZ. One of the best surprises with Tuatoru is that my portable Bluetooth speaker fit perfectly below the radio. There were no aux-in ports on the radio,…

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Recommendation #0 – My Story

I recently opened up a new part of the site called “My Recommendations.” It is a list of 36 media items (books, movies, podcasts, and playlists) that were recommended to me by friends and family as I prepared for my 9 month adventure down under. Recommendation #36 – People To Be Loved Earlier this week,…

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My Jewelry – A 777 word post

Even before I became Trinity Dreamer in the summer of 2018 (well, the US summer…it was winter in New Zealand), I had always had 3 pieces of jewelry. My original trinity of jewelry was given to me by me ex-partner, Tracy. Early on in our relationship, he had given me a fossil leather bracelet and…

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My First Weekend in Dunedin – Days 19 to 21

Let’s get back to my adventure, but a quick comment on the featured image. I found this randomly on a sidewalk in Dunedin, and it was even partially covered by bushes, so I firmly believe God gave me this image to show me that we all have broken hearts, hearts that aren’t complete, but he…

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My Righteous Anger

Please read the preceding post before viewing the video below! Pictures all relate to my video post below… And of course, you get a song! Why can’t I be a princess?

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It is not good for man to be alone…

[This post has been edited as the individual involved did not want to have the discussion be public] I was told today that it is good for homosexuals to be alone, and ultimately the church needs to surround them and help them deal with their alone-ness. Because according to many christians (and I choose not…

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