3 More Recommendations complete!

I’ve lumped these recommendations together as I can’t wholeheartedly recommend any of them. In fact, two of them I would specifically say to avoid for reasons I explain. But, I also learned about them and experienced some truth surrounding their concepts that I’d like to share with you. So, please take a look. You can…

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My Story Episode #21 – Falling Out of Love

My Story Episode #21 is available. Find it on this blog, on iTunes, and on SoundCloud. If you are following along, please also rate the iTunes podcast to help spread the word! I’ve also uploaded a new page that contains all my journal entries from 2016. These have been the majority of the content for…

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My Story Episode #20 – The Biggest Mistake of my Life

My Story Episode #20 is available. Find it in all the usual places. If you are following along, please also rate the iTunes podcast to help spread the word! I’ve also uploaded a new page which will contain all my journal entries from 2016. They will be read aloud on the podcast, but several of…

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My Story Episode #19 – The 7-Year Itch

My Story Episode #19 is available. Find it in all the usual places. If you are following along, please also rate the iTunes podcast to help spread the word! I’ve also uploaded a new page which will contain all my journal entries from 2016. They will be read aloud on the podcast, but several of…

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Days 62 to 72 – The Last 10 days in Qtown

Day 62 (Sunday Oct 21) – Since I was back in Dunedin, I decided to go to Arise church one more time. If you recall, I had gone the last week I was in Dunedin, and I had wanted to talk to the pastor about homosexuality. But, he was too busy after the service, so…

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An Actual Grindr Conversation

When you see the top of my hat, I had sent 5 face pictures of me smiling, to try and encourage him to send one back. I have routinely encountered this kind of situation, or the reverse where there is a blank profile that says I am sinning and that I believe incorrectly. They will…

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