My 2009 family emails

Aug 18, 2009 


The letter was really pretty hurtful.  I’ll type it up in an email tonight.  It communicated that Mom was taking this EXTREMELY hard, and even though she said she loved me in it a couple of times, I didn’t get that feel from the rest of the letter.  🙁  I had no idea it would turn out like this, although I guess it is a huge shock for her and she thinks I am choosing sex and love over God, which isn’t the case. 

Thanks for getting back to me.  I’ll give you the full scoop tonight.



December 11, 2009


Just a quick update. I have told everyone in the family about me now.  Trevor was shocked on the phone and rather than do that to Jayson and Rachel, I wrote them an email, although Rachel has replied back and is very shocked as well, and thinks I am sinning and going against god’s will by embracing who I believe myself to be.  I think its going to be a hard couple of years with the family, maybe indefinitely….

Other than that, work is going well. I am also thinking of buying a new laptop (using some of the money set aside that I didn’t spend going home for Christmas).  It would be nice to go home, although not sure if anyone wants to see me.  And it would be over 500 dollars, which is way too pricey.

I love you.  Hope things are going better for you.



Dec 18, 2009


Okay, sorry it has taken me awhile to respond.  I like to have time to think things out usually.  And, let me just say, you have no idea the whirl my perceptions went through when I read your email.  I really wanted to think it was some sad joke on your part.

For full disclosure, let me state that, of course, I read Rachel’s email back to you.  I’ve also read your response.  I’m sure you realize there aren’t going to be secrets between my wife and I on this.  That said, if you ask us not to share anything, we will respect your wishes.  Know that I am in full agreement with Rachel on this – we view your life choice as sin, no ifs, ands, or buts.  I certainly do not agree with any so-called misinterpretations of Scripture.  Firstly, all Scripture is God-breathed: this means, by definition, that it must be Inspired, Infallible, and Inerrant.  That is, with no false doctrine present in it and completely incapable of error.  I realize one can fall back on an argument of Original vs. translated manuscripts however, I believe that is a moot point because God promises to protect his Holy Word (Psalm 12:6-7).

I also agree with and desire answers to the questions Rachel posed.  You have responded to many of those, and I thank you for that dialogue.  Know that we are trying hard to understand where and how you have been and are being deceived in these beliefs.  At this point, in addition to her questions, I have one further comment.  When we begin to say that the Bible has been mistranslated on some point – any point – where do we stop.  This is a VERY slippery slope.  If the Bible contains one error – any error – how can we then trust what it says regarding Jesus Christ; His Godhood; His birth, death, and resurrection: those doctrines to which we believe we owe our very salvation.

I have too much more to say to get it all in one email to you, but I hope you consider that point for now.  I do and always will love you as a brother, that relationship can never change.  As a Christian, I love you as I do everyone else – for the fact you have been created in God’s image.  But I cannot and will not ever condone nor tolerate this choice you have made.  That may sound harsh, but I believe God’s judgement will be even harsher.  I do hope we can continue to communicate, as you’ve stated you’d like.  I don’t want to cut you off from ties to this family.
