Recommendation #16 – Sliding Doors

One of my best friends is my 16th recommender. We’ve actually known each other since preschool, although our friendship became stronger in high school when we were in latin class together. After high school graduation we took ballroom dancing lessons together, and we have remained in contact since. Her mom (Diane) sent me a very important and impactful letter as I came out to my parents. She was one of the first readers of My Story, and has consistently been there for me as a friend, especially over the past 2 years.

Recommendation #21 from Meagan Powers (Conover)

Sliding Doors by Peter Howitt

Wikipedia describes the initial moments of the film. “Helen Quilley (Gwyneth Paltrow) gets fired from her public relations job. As she leaves the office building, she drops an earring in the lift and a man picks it up for her. She rushes for her train on the London Underground but just misses it as the train doors close; but the film then rewinds and the scene is replayed, except that now she just manages to board the train. The film continues, alternating between the two story lines in which different events ensue (but with occasional intersections of the two).

It was interesting and entertaining to watch how a small occurrence can have a large impacts on one’s life. While we don’t have the benefit of knowing how things MIGHT have gone in real life, I know deep down that there is truth to this idea.

In Helen’s life, she experiences quite a bit of loss and trauma throughout the film. I was impressed with her ability to bounce back and continue moving forward. It is a lesson I have also learned over the past 15 months.

Usually the best thing you can do is to keep moving forward. While it’s important to reflect and process things that happen, depression, anxiety, and loss cause us to freeze up. They can urge us to stop, to quit trying. But just the simple act of moving forward can help you see new ways of living.

This is perfectly encapsulated in a quote I received on Miracle Sunday. 

“We don’t think ourselves into a new way of living, we live ourselves into a new way of thinking.” Richard Rohr

We don’t always get a reason for WHY things happen to us happen. In fact, it happens quite often. But you can usually determine a way to learn and grow from anything that occurs in your life. And every day we are given opportunities to make different choices. We can choose to change our priorities which will impact our life and our thinking. Too often, though, we don’t grasp these opportunities. Instead, we let life happen TO us, and then complain when it doesn’t conform to our expectations.

Don’t let life happen TO you. Live a life of learning, discovery, and growth. No matter what your circumstance, your status, or your story, there is always room for a new chapter in your life. Start that new chapter today!

It’s May 3rd today, so I bring you the third song on my Redemption playlist for this month. To me, it once again speaks to my connection to the Divine. “Where you end, I begin…Who am I without you? Where am I without you? I can’t breathe without you”