Recommendation #30 – Invisibilia

My third and final podcast recommendation, Invisibila, is a National Public Radio (NPR) show. With all of my recent traveling in Australia and New Zealand, I’ve had plenty of time to listen to every single episode (they are up to 4 seasons at this time), and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time spent with Invisibilia. I received this recommendation from a friend who I hadn’t seen in over 15 years. She and I went to Wheaton College together, but didn’t stay in touch after graduation. She happened to be traveling through Montana last summer on her way to Alaska. We connected because she too was making some massive changes to her life.

Recommendation #30 from Mary Knight

Invisibilia by NPR

The podcast began in 2015, and has had 3 hosts in the last 4 years (Hanna Rosin, Alix Spiegel, and formerly Lulu Miller). Like most of NPR’s content, it is very well-produced and the stories it brings to life are worth listening to. It will enrich your mind, challenge your assumptions, and hopefully make you see the world in new ways.

“Unseeable forces control human behavior and shape our ideas, beliefs, and assumptions. Invisibilia—Latin for invisible things—fuses narrative storytelling with science that will make you see your own life differently.” Invisibilia website.

As each season only has five to seven episodes, there are only 26 total episodes available, so that lessens the intimidation factor for you. And no matter where you start, I’m sure you will find interesting content. So what do you say? Why not give it a try? To make it even easier on you, here are 7 episodes that I personally enjoyed.

  • Season 1, Episode 5 – The Power of Categories
  • Season 1, Episode 6 – Our Computers, Ourselves
  • Season 2, Episode 2 – The Personality Myth
  • Season 2, Episode 3 – The Problem with the Solution
  • Season 3, Episode 4 – Future Self
  • Season 4, Episode 4 – The Pattern Problem
  • Season 4, Episode 5 – Everything Good

I’d love to discuss any of the episodes with you, so if you start listening, let me know. They are perfect for road trips, commutes, or really any time you want to enrich your mind and perspective. You won’t be disappointed with the content, or with taking care of yourself in this way. And once again, I’m reminded of how much I missed out on and how much time I wasted by play games on my hour-long commute in Portland, OR for over 4 years.

New post…New song! Today’s song is from Reverence – my playlist for February 2019. Since today is the 7th in Taupo, New Zealand, it is the 7th song on the playlist (and why I selected 7 episodes of Invisibilia to recommend to you). Songs from my playlists usually speak to the mysterious and complicated relationship I have with the Holy Trinity. This one is no exception. While I am constantly looking for God, I never really know where He/She will be found. The key is in song #8…