My Recs

***If any of these recommendations interest you, click on the image or link in the title of the specific recommendation page and you will be taken to a place to purchase or download the material I have experienced***

Between March and August 2018, I visited several US states as I re-lived my college days in Wheaton, IL, as well as all the other places I have lived in my life (Seattle, WA/Billings, MT/Newark, DE/Portland, OR) with the exception of San Fran (where I lived for 15 months in 2011 and 2012).

During those six months, I reconnected with many friends who I hadn’t personally seen or communicated with in several years (some as long as 2 decades). I also was able to re-experience almost every single place I had ever lived. I knew I would have downtime during the 9 months I would spend in New Zealand. I planned on living in one city per month, and I knew I would have free time during nights, weekends, or rainy days (as I came to New Zealand just as winter was ending).  And so, I asked friends and family for media recommendations (books/movies/podcasts/playlists) that I could “consume” on my adventure in New Zealand. My intent is also to reconnect with the person that gave me the recommendation once I complete it, so we can talk about the impact it has made on my journey down under. I’m taking them on as I can find them in the various libraries in New Zealand, so they will jump around a bit.

Here are my Recommendations!

My Story

Recommendation #1 – Blue Babies Pink

Recommendation #2 – Torn

Recommendation #3 – This House of Sky

Recommendation #4 – The Power of Myth

Recommendation #5 – Is God anti-gay?

Recommendation #6 – Consenting Adults

Recommendation #7 – Astonishing Legends

Recommendation #8 – Queer Phenomenology

Recommendation #9 – Of Mess and Moxie

Recommendation #10 – The Untethered Soul

Recommendation #11 – The Art of Fielding

Recommendation #12 – Rising Strong

Recommendation #13 – Braving the Wilderness

Recommendation #14 – The Mind’s Eye

Recommendation #15 – The Holiday

Recommendation #16 – Sliding Doors

Recommendation #17 – Lost Connections

Recommendation #18 – The Idolatry of God

Recommendation #19 – Robinson Crusoe

Recommendation #20 – Orbiting Jupiter

Recommendation #22 – Prodigal Summer

Recommendation #23 – Rhythm and Pixels

Recommendation #24 – Leviathan Wakes

Recommendation #25 – Mr. Robot

Recommendation #26 – Aja

Recommendation #27 – Searching for Sunday

Recommendation #28 – The Alienist

Recommendation #29 – Best Remodeled

Recommendation #30 – Invisibilia

Recommendation #31 – The Liturgists

Recommendation #32 – The Manchurian Candidate

Recommendation #33 – Wonder

Recommendation # 34 – Law Abiding Citizen

Recommendation #35 – The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

Recommendation #36 – People To Be Loved