My Playlists

This page is a repository of the monthly playlists I created for My Story, My Roadtrip, My Summer in Montana, and My Adventure (my time in New Zealand and Australia). Since the beginning of 2018, each month has it’s own playlist of uplifting dance tunes and upbeat pop hits to get you dancing in your seat, on the street, or just up on your feet!

The Last Break-up – January & February 2018 – Portland, OR

The soundtrack to my relationship with Tracy Alan – 2008 to 2017. It chronicles the emotional highs and lows that I felt while I was in my first and only relationship to the only boy that has ever captured my heart.

The Roadtrip – March 2018 – OR:WA:ID:MT:OR:IL:IN:PA:MD:DC:MD:DE:MD:MT

Playlist image credited to Carri, a woman I met at Starbucks in Portland, OR on Miracle Sunday (2/4/18). A playlist for my 3 week long roadtrip (3/7 to 3/24) revisiting almost every place I have ever lived in my life (OR, WA, MT, IL, DE), renewing forgotten friendships along the way.

Hometown 333 – April 2018 – Billings, MT

A playlist dedicated to the Holy Trinity (God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) and my continuing adventures in Billings, MT. My name is Derek, I’m a Homosexual Christian, and I’m probably the most extroverted introvert you’ve ever seen!

Hom3town – May 2018 – Billings, MT

Hom3town rolls in with 31 new songs, and many returning artists. Hometown 333s big brother has the best of both meaningful lyrics and danceable, workout-able tunes. I’m continuing my 2018 adventure which will have surgery, international travel, personal discoveries, & spiritual lessons.

Apperception – June 2018 – Billings, MT

Apperception is defined as conscious perception. And I feel that since Miracle Sunday on February 4, 2018, I’ve become much more aware of God’s presence in the world and in my life. That’s because I have the Spirit of God inside me. A piece of God inside of me!!

Apperception II – July 2018 – Billings, MT

A continuation of Apperception, i.e. conscious perception. As I recover from eye surgery to correct strabismus (double vision), I am now experiencing a world of sight while simultaneously experiencing a freeing of my body and soul due to my relationship with my Creator, the Holy Trinity.

Apperception III – August 2018 – Billings, MT / Auckland, NZ

The final chapter of Apperception (conscious perception). August 1st-17th will be final preparations for my 9-month journey down under. August 19th onward, I will be in New Zealand following the Holy Trinity’s leading. Parts of this playlist come from Scuba Shop & Whistler Playlists.

ReDefined – September 2018 – Mosgiel/Dunedin, NZ

My idea of love has been redefined. God revealed a mystery (why I’m gay) and rewrote my history (I was created gay). I had half my truth (I am homosexual) and I found the rest in God. My broken dreams of love and family have been redefined because of God’s love.

ReInvented – October 2018 – Queenstown, NZ

I am going to reinvent myself this month! There are clues to what will occur in the images and songs associated with this playlist. To stay relevant, to continue to grow, and to make a new impact, you often need to reinvent yourself. How will you reinvent yourself?

ReVivified – November 2018 – Christchurch, NZ

A decidedly Christian playlist, because the Holy Spirit is a fire inside me, burning me from the inside out, helping me declare that God loves us, Christ died for us, and the Holy Spirit wants us to be our greatest, most joyful, most marvelous selves.

ReEstablished – December 2018 – Australia

After more than 3 months in NZ, I finish 2018 in Australia by spending Christmas & New Years alone in Sydney. 2018’s journey of accepting my alone-ness while learning how to not feel lonely has been accomplished. I’m never alone – I’m surrounded by the Holy Trinity!

Dependence – January 2019 – AUS / NZ

Dependence starts a new series that speaks to how I love and interact with the Divine. 2 more weeks in Sydney, and then off to the Great Barrier Reef for a big highlight of this trip: 8 days/7 nights scuba diving on a live-a-board boat called “Spoilsport”. Man, I am spoiled!

Reverence – February 2019 – North Island NZ, Disneyland, Denver?, Portland?

As my international adventure comes to a close, I have no idea where I will end up. Is grad school in my future, or will I fly off to an all new exotic locale? Only time will tell…and only God knows. All I can say is Hallelujah!

Transcendence – March 2019 – Billings, MT

This month is the key to my next 2-3 years…I find out if I get in to grad school for marriage and family therapy (Bozeman, MT or Portland, OR)! A year of: monthly playlists, discovery, unemployment, learning to appreciate whatever life brings! Transcendence time!

Fellowship – April 2019 – Billings, MT

With the ashes of my grad school dreams smoldering, I’m frustrated, confused, and unsure of my future. I stand at a crossroads. Will I live in Denver? Or will I follow after an altogether new passion? Will I find the fellowship that I am seeking? Or do I expect too much?

Redemption – May 2019 – Denver, CO

Things are re-igniting as I move to Denver. New experiences, new relationships, and new patterns of behavior emerge as I drive towards my one goal…getting into grad school for counseling in 2020. Redemption is ALWAYS possible, the cycle of life and death never ends.

Atonement – June 2019 – Denver, CO

Will I finally be able to settle into my new home in Denver? Will I gain employment, find a church, and develop meaningful connections with friends? I’m going to find ways to sustain my love, joy, and peace as I try to practice At-one-ment…at one with the Holy Trinity.

ListenLearnLove – July 2019 – Denver, CO

My final monthly playlist. I am fully engaged in my Plan B: living in Cap Hill, working in a residential youth treatment facility, fully engaged in self care, and actively participating in the LGBT and Christian communities. My destination? Getting into grad school in 2020!

B-day Playlist 2019 (the FINAL playlist)

As I celebrate the final year of my 30s, I am incredibly thankful. I have an amazing story. I’ve been having awesome adventures. I am continually experiencing the Divine, and coming to love God, myself, and others more fully. I can’t wait to find out what this next journey around the sun brings…

GODMODE (Creation never stops)

My 40th birthday playlist, inspired by the Holy Spirit during my trip to Buffalo New York where I experienced the Cave of the Winds, Reiki Massage, and a unification of my understanding of the universe. Thank you Abba, for allowing me to see clearly!