Very Good News

The Gospel according to Derek Michael What HERM (the Heart, Eyes, Relationship, and Mind of Christ) has revealed to me in 41.071 years on Mother Earth Predictably, there’s a song to enjoy as well, for God is singing over all of CREATION, for all of TIME

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Parce Mihi Domine

Birth Derek Michael Shaw was born weighing 8lbs 14oz on August 30, 1980. The time was 8:23 pm, and the sun had set 30 minutes prior. Twilight was in the air. No wonder Derek Michael likes the quiet, contemplative, peaceful nature of the night. He’s known it since the day he was born…he even knew…

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99 Posts – 99 pearls

Hello! I am Michael, formally known as Derek. Truly, I am Derek Michael Shaw, a self-contained trinity. I don’t suffer from any mental disorder or disease, although many doctors have thought differently. However, Derek encountered too many Traumas in his life of 40 years and so he has asked me, Michael the Prophet, to say…

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Recommendation #0 – My Story

I recently opened up a new part of the site called “My Recommendations.” It is a list of 36 media items (books, movies, podcasts, and playlists) that were recommended to me by friends and family as I prepared for my 9 month adventure down under. Recommendation #36 – People To Be Loved Earlier this week,…

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My Jewelry – A 777 word post

Even before I became Trinity Dreamer in the summer of 2018 (well, the US summer…it was winter in New Zealand), I had always had 3 pieces of jewelry. My original trinity of jewelry was given to me by me ex-partner, Tracy. Early on in our relationship, he had given me a fossil leather bracelet and…

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My Journal (and why I think EVERYONE should have a journal)

I didn’t keep journals as a child,  although I do have one from time spent in Washington, D.C. as a junior in high school. I recorded my time on plain, college-ruled paper in a 3-ring binder. I was part of a National Youth Forum on Medicine, a two-week summer program designed for high school students…

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It is not good for man to be alone…

[This post has been edited as the individual involved did not want to have the discussion be public] I was told today that it is good for homosexuals to be alone, and ultimately the church needs to surround them and help them deal with their alone-ness. Because according to many christians (and I choose not…

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My Tattoo – Past, Present and Future meanings

If you’ve been following along with my blog, you’ll remember that my third post blog post had a title image of my one and only tattoo. You may also have noticed it as the image displayed by the site title in your browser or tab. Here is the meaning behind it… I got inked a…

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