My Story – The Podcast Begins

My Podcast has begun! I’m very excited to share My Story with you. Below is a link to the newest section of my blog that will contain all 30 episodes of My Story. I also plan to release additional media content and a final written version of the podcast when it concludes on January 1,…

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Recommendation #0 – My Story

I recently opened up a new part of the site called “My Recommendations.” It is a list of 36 media items (books, movies, podcasts, and playlists) that were recommended to me by friends and family as I prepared for my 9 month adventure down under. Recommendation #36 – People To Be Loved Earlier this week,…

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My second week in GigCity – Days 22 to 28

The featured image is my best Apple Watch achievement to date – it shows that I completed each activity ring (calorie burn, exercise, and standing) for every day in a week, which occurred at the end of this week. Day 22 (Monday Sep 10) – After a full weekend, I decided to spend Monday at…

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My Righteous Anger

Please read the preceding post before viewing the video below! Pictures all relate to my video post below… And of course, you get a song! Why can’t I be a princess?

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It is not good for man to be alone…

[This post has been edited as the individual involved did not want to have the discussion be public] I was told today that it is good for homosexuals to be alone, and ultimately the church needs to surround them and help them deal with their alone-ness. Because according to many christians (and I choose not…

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Day 11 & 12 – My Double Birthday

Being in New Zealand means I am 18 hours ahead of the mountain time zone in the US. While I celebrated my birthday on August 30th in Auckland, NZ, most of my friends on the other side of the Pacific were ending August 29th. When 6pm arrived in NZ, August 30th was just beginning in…

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My Tattoo – Past, Present and Future meanings

If you’ve been following along with my blog, you’ll remember that my third post blog post had a title image of my one and only tattoo. You may also have noticed it as the image displayed by the site title in your browser or tab. Here is the meaning behind it… I got inked a…

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Day 5,6,7 – My First Weekend in NZ

Day 5 – I hit the start of my first weekend in NZ at full speed. Friday morning, Natalie (my couchsurfing host), Michael, and Olivia all piled into the car at 8am. First stop, dropping them off at school, then I was dropped off at Cornwall Park while Natalie continued on to her job at…

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Hello world!

This post official begins the Trinity Dreamer website. I’m excited to have my own space to write and create content, and I’m happy that you’ve found your way to this website. Welcome! My primary goal for this site is two-fold: 1) I will be sharing my passions of Faith, Relationship, and Sexuality with my readers,…

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