333 Instagram Posts!!!

Yesterday, aboard the Aratere ferry from Picton to Wellington, NZ, I posted my 333rd Instagram post. It contains various images of my ferry crossing. The journey brought back memories from 5 months ago, when I had just started My Adventure. At that time, I didn’t know what to expect out of my journey across New…

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3 More Recommendations complete!

I’ve lumped these recommendations together as I can’t wholeheartedly recommend any of them. In fact, two of them I would specifically say to avoid for reasons I explain. But, I also learned about them and experienced some truth surrounding their concepts that I’d like to share with you. So, please take a look. You can…

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Melbourne – The final week

Day 108 (Friday Dec 7) – After an eventful day, I was on my way to Nocturnal! I grabbed a burger and fries for dinner and on the way there, I saw a trinity of babushka dolls in a park! Once inside, I went and explored the museum. The DJs had already started their first…

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Four Days in Melbourne

Day 105 (Tuesday Dec 4) – I arrived late on Monday night, took a train into the CBD (central business district) and then got an Uber down to my room in St. Kilda. St. Kilda is about 6km south of the city center. I was staying at an Airbnb about 4 blocks from the beach,…

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My Story Episode #29 – My Sexy Story

My Story Episode #29 is available. Find it on this blog, iTunes, or SoundCloud. The image for this post is credited to an artist named Carrie who I met in a Starbucks in Portland on Miracle Sunday. The title of the work is “Jessie” My Story iTunes My Story link My Story is finished. Episode…

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My Story Episode #28 – Miracle Sunday

Episode #28 chronicles the day I re-met my God and my Creator, and I would never be the same again… My Story Episode #28 is available. Find it on this blog, iTunes, or SoundCloud. My Story iTunes My Story link Only 1 more episodes until My Story is finished, and 2 episodes until the podcast…

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My Story Episode #27 – The Story of Derek & Tracy

My Story Episode #27 is available. Find it on this blog, on iTunes, or on SoundCloud. If you are following along, please, please, please rate the iTunes podcast to help spread the word! My Story Episode #27…the lead-up to Miracle Sunday! iTunes My Story link Only 3 more episodes to go!

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My Story Episode #26 – My Panic Attack

My Story Episode #26 is available. Find it on this blog, on iTunes, or on SoundCloud. If you are following along, please, please, please rate the iTunes podcast to help spread the word! My Story Episode #26 occurs in January 2018, where I put my home for sale (which then funded my current adventure in…

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