Four Days in Melbourne

Day 105 (Tuesday Dec 4) – I arrived late on Monday night, took a train into the CBD (central business district) and then got an Uber down to my room in St. Kilda. St. Kilda is about 6km south of the city center. I was staying at an Airbnb about 4 blocks from the beach,…

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My Final Week in Christchurch

Coming off a big adventure of scuba diving, visiting a cult, seeing the western coast of New Zealand, and moving around a couple of times in Christchurch, my final week had lots of blog updates, new friends, babysitting, and a nice, relaxing end to my time in Christchurch. Here goes… Day 98 (Monday Nov 26)…

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Christchurch, Kaikoura, Gloriavale & Akaroa – Days 85 to 97

Day 85 (Tuesday Nov 13) – My Couchsurf with Claire & Liam had come to an end, so I moved into my next housing adventure (my fourth for Christchurch). It was another Airbnb, hosted by Michael, a savvy 19 year old who already owned a home. The room accommodations were fairly nice, although he lived…

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Aoraki/Tekapo/Christchurch – 13 more days

Day 72 (Wednesday Oct 31) – Before I left Queenstown, I recorded a final good-bye. I was on the road by 2pm and took my first break around 3:30pm in the town of Cromwell. They are known for the fruit that grows in the area… As I got closer to Mt Cook village, the road…

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Days 62 to 72 – The Last 10 days in Qtown

Day 62 (Sunday Oct 21) – Since I was back in Dunedin, I decided to go to Arise church one more time. If you recall, I had gone the last week I was in Dunedin, and I had wanted to talk to the pastor about homosexuality. But, he was too busy after the service, so…

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Ocean to Peak, Luge to High Heels – Days 55 to 61

From the depths of the Milford Sound to the tops of Ben Lomond mountain…from going down the Luge track in Queenstown 6 times to walking around GigCity in makeup, a dress and high heels…I had several amazing days of adventure during my third week being based in Queenstown. Day 55 (Sunday Oct 14) – Picking…

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Queenstown Week #2 PIP – People, Impressions, and Ponderings

This blog post attempts to record the people I met, the impressions I received, and the ponderings I made during my second week in Queenstown. I spent a lot of time at Homebase, in Starbucks, and in the public library. I also became more acquainted with two very diverse ways to experience Queenstown. All in…

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My first week in Queenstown

Day 42 (Monday Oct 1) – The first day of October saw me pack up all my belongings into Tuatoru and leave Mosgiel, NZ, heading northwest to Queenstown, NZ. One of the best surprises with Tuatoru is that my portable Bluetooth speaker fit perfectly below the radio. There were no aux-in ports on the radio,…

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GigCity – Endings and Reflections

My time in GigCity came to an end with the transition from September to October. Looking over my camera roll from the last week, there are as many images of book pages as there are of actual sites and people. This is because I spent the week reading, reflecting, and planning for what’s to come….

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My second week in GigCity – Days 22 to 28

The featured image is my best Apple Watch achievement to date – it shows that I completed each activity ring (calorie burn, exercise, and standing) for every day in a week, which occurred at the end of this week. Day 22 (Monday Sep 10) – After a full weekend, I decided to spend Monday at…

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