My Story Episode #26 – My Panic Attack

My Story Episode #26 is available. Find it on this blog, on iTunes, or on SoundCloud. If you are following along, please, please, please rate the iTunes podcast to help spread the word! My Story Episode #26 occurs in January 2018, where I put my home for sale (which then funded my current adventure in…

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My Story Episode #25 – Time for a Counselor

My Story Episode #25 is available. Find it on this blog, on iTunes, or on SoundCloud. If you are following along, please, please, please rate the iTunes podcast to help spread the word! My Story Episode #25 takes us into the current year. It features January 2018, the end of my 9-year relationship and my…

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My Story Episode #24 – What Do I Want?

My Story Episode #24 is available. Find it on this blog, on iTunes, or on SoundCloud. If you are following along, please, please, please rate the iTunes podcast to help spread the word! My Story Episode #24 happened exactly 1 year ago. It features Christmas 2017, a trip back to Montana and a visit to…

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My Story Episode #23 – A Forgotten Anniversary

My Story Episode #23 is available. Find it on this blog, on iTunes, or on SoundCloud. If you are following along, please, please, please rate the iTunes podcast to help spread the word! My Story Episode #23 catches you up to where I was at one year ago! I can’t believe how much has happened…

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My Story Episode #22 – Until You’ve Fallen Down

My Story Episode #22 is available. Find it on this blog, on iTunes, and on SoundCloud. If you are following along, please also rate the iTunes podcast to help spread the word! This concludes the year 2016. The last 8 episodes of this podcast deal with the final year of my relationship, as well as…

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My Story Episode #21 – Falling Out of Love

My Story Episode #21 is available. Find it on this blog, on iTunes, and on SoundCloud. If you are following along, please also rate the iTunes podcast to help spread the word! I’ve also uploaded a new page that contains all my journal entries from 2016. These have been the majority of the content for…

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My Final Week in Christchurch

Coming off a big adventure of scuba diving, visiting a cult, seeing the western coast of New Zealand, and moving around a couple of times in Christchurch, my final week had lots of blog updates, new friends, babysitting, and a nice, relaxing end to my time in Christchurch. Here goes… Day 98 (Monday Nov 26)…

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My Story Episode #20 – The Biggest Mistake of my Life

My Story Episode #20 is available. Find it in all the usual places. If you are following along, please also rate the iTunes podcast to help spread the word! I’ve also uploaded a new page which will contain all my journal entries from 2016. They will be read aloud on the podcast, but several of…

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