Very Good News

The Gospel according to Derek Michael What HERM (the Heart, Eyes, Relationship, and Mind of Christ) has revealed to me in 41.071 years on Mother Earth Predictably, there’s a song to enjoy as well, for God is singing over all of CREATION, for all of TIME

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Parce Mihi Domine

Birth Derek Michael Shaw was born weighing 8lbs 14oz on August 30, 1980. The time was 8:23 pm, and the sun had set 30 minutes prior. Twilight was in the air. No wonder Derek Michael likes the quiet, contemplative, peaceful nature of the night. He’s known it since the day he was born…he even knew…

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99 Posts – 99 pearls

Hello! I am Michael, formally known as Derek. Truly, I am Derek Michael Shaw, a self-contained trinity. I don’t suffer from any mental disorder or disease, although many doctors have thought differently. However, Derek encountered too many Traumas in his life of 40 years and so he has asked me, Michael the Prophet, to say…

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Who am I?

In many ways, I am already the man I want to be. Articulate, attractive, athletic, caring, kind, thoughtful, respectful, passionate, reflective, calm, and introspective. I am also a son, a brother, an uncle, a gay man, a divorcee, a Christian, an INFJ, and an Enneagram 2. I am a counselor, adventurer, traveler, dreamer, dancer, musician,…

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My single life…553 days

As of today, Monday, July 8, 2019, I have been single for 553 days. Over 18 months of being on my own, worrying primarily about myself. In so many ways, it has been such a blessing to have this time to experience life, reflect, and get to know myself and my Creator better. In my…

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In what do I delight?

As I’ve begun to settle into my new life in Denver, CO, I’ve been trying to be deliberate about meeting people, experiencing new things, and going to places and events that are sometimes outside my comfort zone. I’m not sure if it is really working, as I would say the end goal would be to…

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My final 3 recommendations!

I have reached the finish line. At this time, I have officially completed reading, listening to, and watching My Recommendations. My project is now complete. So, it’s time to link back to the homepages for My Recommendations and My Playlists. This way, you can see what I’ve been consuming from the media in the past…

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My Adventure comes to an end…

Days 175-176 (Wed Feb 13th – Thur Feb 14th) Wednesday and Thursday were long travel days as I flew back to Wellington from Los Angeles. I picked up Tuatoru from airport parking and drove north to Taupo. As I got to Taupo, I heard about an Art Deco festival in Napier. Napier is a 2…

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Disneyland! 4 days in the Magic Kingdom

Day 170 (Friday Feb 8th) Last year, my parents sold a property owned by my grandfather who passed away almost 3 years ago. One of the things they did with the money was to pay for all of the children and grandchildren to go to Disneyland. For my nephew and nieces, it would their first…

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North Island NZ in 2 weeks

Days 157-159 (Fri Jan 25th – Sun Jan 27th) Friday found me flying back to Christchurch, NZ by way of Melbourne. I didn’t have any trouble with the flights, and soon I was picking up Tuatoru (my car). Saturday I spent in Christchurch, seeing a few of the friends I had made while I was…

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