Disneyland! 4 days in the Magic Kingdom

Day 170 (Friday Feb 8th) Last year, my parents sold a property owned by my grandfather who passed away almost 3 years ago. One of the things they did with the money was to pay for all of the children and grandchildren to go to Disneyland. For my nephew and nieces, it would their first…

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North Island NZ in 2 weeks

Days 157-159 (Fri Jan 25th – Sun Jan 27th) Friday found me flying back to Christchurch, NZ by way of Melbourne. I didn’t have any trouble with the flights, and soon I was picking up Tuatoru (my car). Saturday I spent in Christchurch, seeing a few of the friends I had made while I was…

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My week in the Great Barrier Reef

Day 149 (Thursday Jan 17th) We wouldn’t depart until the evening, but after checking in, I was able to go to some of the scuba shops in town to get some last-minute gear. The water temperature was very warm, so my 2mm shorty wetsuit would have sufficed for temperature. However, to guard against jellyfish stings…

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The First 16 days of 2019

Day 133 (Tuesday January 1st) New Years Day 2019 in Sydney! I had a ton of fun at Celebration but I ended up staying up way too late to avoid the crowds who all headed home after the fireworks. And so, I took it easy on January 1st. I also hung out with Cebil &…

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The Last 13 days of 2018

Day 120 (Wednesday Dec 19) Arriving in Sydney, I first went to my Airbnb in Elizabeth Bay. Situated within walking distance of downtown, the opera house, and Oxford Street (the LGBT area of town), it was a perfect homebase for me as I prepared for grad school applications and ended 2018. My Airbnb wasn’t perfect,…

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333 Instagram Posts!!!

Yesterday, aboard the Aratere ferry from Picton to Wellington, NZ, I posted my 333rd Instagram post. It contains various images of my ferry crossing. The journey brought back memories from 5 months ago, when I had just started My Adventure. At that time, I didn’t know what to expect out of my journey across New…

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Bendigo – Days 115 to 119

Day 115 (Friday Dec 14) Liam and Marilyn Chambers welcomed me in to Bendigo and they helped me check off recommendation #15 – The Holiday. Here is what I wrote about it in my journal, and I’ll provide the link to the recommendation page that I wrote up a few days ago. “We watched The…

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Using your phone…as a phone

For most of us, we carry around this impressive piece of technology everywhere we go. It is often the first thing we look at when we open our eyes in the morning, and the last thing we check before nodding off to sleep. It functions as an alarm clock, a calculator, a navigator, a social…

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Melbourne – The final week

Day 108 (Friday Dec 7) – After an eventful day, I was on my way to Nocturnal! I grabbed a burger and fries for dinner and on the way there, I saw a trinity of babushka dolls in a park! Once inside, I went and explored the museum. The DJs had already started their first…

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Four Days in Melbourne

Day 105 (Tuesday Dec 4) – I arrived late on Monday night, took a train into the CBD (central business district) and then got an Uber down to my room in St. Kilda. St. Kilda is about 6km south of the city center. I was staying at an Airbnb about 4 blocks from the beach,…

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