If you have spent any length of time reading my blog, you will easily notice my fascination with rainbows. Not only do I routinely encounter them in the natural world, I also discover them in man-made creations. And when you consider My Story, it makes sense why I am obsessed. I feel that I straddle the divide between Christianity and LGBT individuals, and both camps lay claim to the symbol of the rainbow.

Christianity’s Rainbow

Genesis 9:13,15 “13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.”

The Christian rainbow is a promise to God’s faithfulness, mercy, and love. While it definitely existed BEFORE the flood, The Holy Trinity specifically chose the rainbow as a symbol of Their love for us – to give us hope for a better future, a future where God’s wrath is tempered by God’s love. And whether you believe the flood was an actual event, or an allegory, the Christian meaning behind the rainbow remains unchanged to this day.

Later on in Ezekial 1:26-28 and Revelation 4:2-3, the rainbow is tied to Christ’s appearance, and so the rainbow also represents Christ, God’s saving grace.

LGBT’s Rainbow

Per Wikipedia, the original LGBT rainbow debuted at the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade celebration on June 25, 1978. Originally designed by Gilbert Baker with 8 colors, each stripe represented a different theme.

  • Hot pink – Sex
  • Red – Life
  • Orange – Healing
  • Yellow – Sunlight
  • Green – Nature
  • Turquoise – Magic/Art
  • Indigo – Serenity
  • Violet – Spirit

After Harvey Milk was assassinated on November 27, 1978, the demand for the flag greatly increased. However, due to the unavailability of hot pink fabric at the time, the flag was reduced to 7 colors. It was then modified again in 1979. Per Wikipedia – When hung vertically from the lamp posts of San Francisco’s Market Street, the center stripe was obscured by the post itself. Changing the flag design to one with an even number of stripes was the easiest way to rectify this, so the turquoise stripe was dropped, which resulted in a six stripe version of the flag — red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet.

Those 6 colors still mean something – Life, Healing, Sunlight, Nature, Harmony, Spirit

The LGBT Rainbow is a declaration of inclusiveness, healing, and pride. Not haughty pride, but being proud of who you are. So often, LGBT individuals are harassed, made to feel inferior, or just called “sinful” or “broken” by the church. Instead, they should be told that they are God’s beautiful creations.

Rainbow Synthesis

I’ve personally heard both sides get frustrated with the other about using “their” symbol. The funny thing is that its just a rainbow, so no one can really lay claim to it. Even Gilbert Baker never copyrighted the design of the rainbow flag, as he wanted it to be available to all.

I want both sides to see it as I see it: a bridge between two communities. Both sides see it as an important symbol. That’s a starting point to begin the conversation of how the Christian and LGBT communities can not only co-exist, but become part of the same rainbow. Because that’s what God wants; I firmly and wholeheartedly believe that. Why?

Because rainbows are beautiful, powerful, and unique. In the natural world, they are tied to water, storms, and light. In the spiritual world, they are tied to life, grace, and harmony. The rainbow flag brings those concepts together with the 6 color meanings. And most importantly, rainbows are actually one thing (light) broken up into its parts. It shows the various pieces that make up the whole.

We need to do the same in our own lives. We need to “show and tell” the pieces of ourselves that make up the whole. For me, I need to show my family, my religious upbringing, my sexual awakening, and the things I studied, sought after, and experienced. Because all those pieces make the beautiful rainbow that I am.

What does your rainbow look like?


Thanks for reading. Here’s a real treat from this month’s ReInvented playlist. Of course, it features a rainbow in the background!

‘Cause we’re all somewhere in the middle
We’re all just looking for love to change the world
What if the world stops spinning tomorrow?
We can’t keep running away from who we are

And we’re all here in it together
We’re one step closer to breaking down the walls
Everyone is gay