365 Days summed up in 480 pages. As 2021 comes to a close, as well as my second journal of this year, I always enjoy looking back at what I created in my journal pages, for they seem to be a part of me, or at least a part of my learning and growth as a man of God.
Two body part pictures, connecting my various pieces to characters in the Bible. It was an exercise in making “the word become flesh”. Two centering pages, documenting my Names, Desires, Passions, Prayers, and Playlists. A page listing 103 trinities that I found in reality, all reflecting the nature, connected-ness, and glory of YHWH. A page listing the 108 “passions” of Buddhism, flanking the one Passion of the Christ (birth, death, and resurrection). A page listing 88 Old Testament names for God, including my own middle name – Michael. And finally, a page documenting the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, its 11 sefirot (attributes of “The Infinite Light”), and the 22 pathways from the Crown down to the Kingdom. It also lines up with my continued experience of Tarot, as there are 22 major arcana cards that also document a journey from being a “Fool” to “The World”.
Most importantly, all of these pages are my attempt to worship and study The Holy Trinity – YHWH, Christ, and Spirit. May HERM (Hearts, Eyes, Relationships, and Minds) be glorified through these pages.
Featured Image is a coloring page from a “Calming Colors” coloring book that I used in 2021. Each page took around 7 hours to complete, and I gave every page away to family, friends, coworkers, coffee shop employees, and even some strangers.

And there you have it. 8 pages that show my love, faith, and devotion to The Holy Trinity. My harmony to God’s melody. All Praise and Glory, to the One and Only, Creator/Sustainer/Savior.