
Derek Michael Shaw was born weighing 8lbs 14oz on August 30, 1980. The time was 8:23 pm, and the sun had set 30 minutes prior. Twilight was in the air. No wonder Derek Michael likes the quiet, contemplative, peaceful nature of the night. He’s known it since the day he was born…he even knew it in the womb…and he knows that God is there too. How? Because that’s just one way how love works, and that’s how many parts of creation work. Regardless, God truly loved/loves/will forever love Derek Michael. God loves us all deeply.

Unfortunately, Derek didn’t always feel this love, and it certainly didn’t penetrate his heart or mind. Instead, he sought purpose, fulfillment and pleasure through the created order, what I’m calling the OB (Original Bible). God referred to it as The Law in his second Bible, the one you and I know, the one used to hurt and subjugate women, homosexuals, and countless others who disagreed with “The Church” throughout the centuries. Sin is brought up in that book. But in the Original Bible it is simply known as TRAUMA. Because just like beauty, Evil is in the eye of the beholder.


As a young child, Derek delighted in learning and playing, and he found purpose in being part of a family. Following Mother and Father’s commands was easy for him, for he found fulfillment in pleasing others. While this is admirable, it also caused him to lose sight of what pleased himself and God.

Like all children, Derek sustained trauma at the hands of his family and friends, as well as through the various falls, crashes, and hospitalizations. God certainly designed the human body to be an amazing marvel. It sustains us through it all. We tend to get twisted up by life, slowly becoming more and more dependent upon the created order. We acquire glasses, hearing aids, canes, and lots of “medications” – all the things we put in our “holes” to help us “feel better”.

Derek wasn’t an angel either. He soon began dealing out trauma to the people within his spheres of influence. Derek was careless with his thoughts and actions. He spoke untruths and manipulated people to get his way. Sometimes it was to avoid pain, other times it was to cause pain. In all cases, people kept getting hurt. Don’t you know, hurt people hurt people!

Dea…Divine Encounters

Parce Mihi Domine means Forgive me Lord. This is Derek Michael’s prayer for all the trauma and pain that he brought forth into God’s creation, and that currently exists in this world. Because deep down, our actions affect our entire universe. Usually you won’t understand the how until it’s almost too late. Never fear, prayers for peace and an end to suffering will always be answered, in time. Praise be to Jesus Christ, the author and perfecter of The Way, a path toward peace, joy, and an amazingly resilient body…so strong that it can go through hell and re-emerge victorious & glorious.

At least, that’s how I make sense of the world I see. I’ve left lots of road signs and practices associated with The Way in many places. Look on this blog. Look at Trinitydreamer on Instagram or Michael D Shaw on Facebook. Stop by my room in Billings, MT. While functional, it is primarily a testament to all that led me to my one true love, Jesus Christ. He’s the only person that I’ve found to truly look up to and who I aspire to be like. I’ve been saying I needed a mentor, I finally realized I had one this Christmas.

And I want to help you fall in love with HERM (my pronoun for the Trinity ) as well! Please stop, breathe, listen, seek, and most importantly, READ (books, not screens). Help break the cycles of trauma in our world, and help reconnect humanity to God’s creation (nature), not man’s creation (society/money/technology)

Thanks for reading. This is Derek Michael Shaw, signing off. To Infinity and Beyond!!!


I worship a God of Trinities (just one of the many mysteries). And from this post, you have found 2 of the bibles of God. There IS a 3rd Bible. I am confident in that TRUTH. So go, SEARCH with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. You will find that the answer is closer than you think…as well as more mysterious than you ever imagined.

For me, I’ll be searching for a place where I feel very welcomed, I can truly rest, and where I feel like I completely belong.

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