A quick update regarding my 2020 vision quest, although I’m not sure who I’m updating since hardly anyone visits this site. That’s okay, though, because I’m really just documenting this all for posterity. Someday, maybe someone else will take an interest in how to cure eyesight problems through healthy living…

I’ve been living in Portland, OR for 3.33 months now, and while the state of Oregon trusts me to drive a car without any extra ocular enhancements, there are times I still can’t read a sign in Starbucks or at the McDonalds drive-through (Yes, I still visit those establishments quite often for a quick treats.) Do I think they are doing any irreparable harm to my body? Hardly! I’m curing astigmatism, nearsightedness, bone spurs, and a varicocele. Salt, Fat, Caffeine are just raw ingredients, tools really. And the human body is an amazing processing center. Most people simply don’t know the how amazing we are…

A fascinating change has been occurring in my face, as evidenced by my ID cards from both Colorado and Oregon. See how 13 months of breathing, meditating, fasting, exercising, and worshiping Yahweh has changed my face and body. I see it as a blooming or blossoming. My face has become more relaxed, open, less pinched.

Summer in Portland

In the last 3.33 months, I’ve hoped to get my “elven eyes” in time for Memorial Day, Fourth of July, or my trip to Niagra Falls last week…unfortunately, my healing is ongoing, maybe for a lot longer than I expect. After all, I’m undoing 20 years of bad habits, so if it takes me a full year (or longer) to undo all of those, I know it’s just part of the journey.

Speaking of the journey, it’s time to get back to it. I still need to journal, and read, and dance today. Yes, dancing has been a key component to regaining my vision. I’ve even reached out to Ubisoft to share a testimonial about how their product (Just Dance 2020) has helped correct my vision and posture. It’s really quite incredible, especially when you consider that there are 333 unlockable prizes in the game…the trinitydreamer dream number!

Never stop dreaming. Keep on dancing. Enjoy your day. And remember:

Nothing Is As It Seems…