This post official begins the Trinity Dreamer website. I’m excited to have my own space to write and create content, and I’m happy that you’ve found your way to this website. Welcome!

My primary goal for this site is two-fold:

1) I will be sharing my passions of Faith, Relationship, and Sexuality with my readers, reflecting on their importance in our lives, how they are intertwined and how they affect EVERYTHING around us.

2) I will document my travels while I am in New Zealand. My journey down under begins August 17, 2018, and will continue for 9 months. This schedule will allow me to effectively bypass the winter of 2018, as it will be Spring when I arrive in Auckland, NZ. I will then experience Summer and Fall before returning to the United States in May of 2019, which will be Spring again!

How did I come up with the name of my site? Well, that’s pretty easy. Ever since Miracle Sunday (February 4, 2018), I’ve been experiencing the Holy Trinity in ways I never have before. The Christian Trinity is also a wholly unique way to look at Godhood, and I’m only beginning to understand all that entails for my relationship with my Creator. I am also the third-born (middle child) in my family, so I’ve always felt a connection to the number 3. As for “dreamer”, I wrote that as one of my names in my Journal from April-June 2018. And God has been giving me big dreams in the past six months, some of which have already come true (like my eye surgery in June 2018). Finally, I also encountered Axwell’s “Dreamer” during this time period, and I felt a special connection with the lyrics of the song.

And so was born!

While I continue to generate content for this site, please visit me on Facebook, Instagram, or Spotify to get to know more about me.

Derek Shaw on Spotify